5 Ways of Learning

2Tactile LAUNCHPADActivities that support motor skills through concrete tools like puzzles and manipulatives.

This center aims to harness bodily-kinesthetic intelligence in the learner.

Develops learning through experience.

1SPACE RaceActivities which reinforce rules of thinking by sight reading and mental computation.

This center aims to build speed and accuracy in the learner.

Builds speed and accuracy through oral drills.

5NOVA DataActivities that harness reading and writing skills through print- based materials.

This center aims to develop critical thinking and mastery.

Ensures mastery of topic.

3Cyber EXPLORERActivities that employ game-play elements in developing English and Math skills.

This center aims to enhance the learner’s knowledge through technology.

Promotes literacy through the technology.

4Book GALAXYReading activities that allow literary appreciation through a wide selection of books.

This center aims to enrich the learner’s vocabulary and comprehension.

Develops child’s love for reading.